About 30+ Urban Terror
The 30+ clan is much larger than what you see here. We are a part of a larger organization of teams playing different games. Each team has its own Captain. The Captain chooses several officers to help run the team. Treasurer, Server Admin, Webmaster, that sort of thing. All team members are bound to follow the 30+ Charter. This is a set of guidelines to adhere to while being a member of 30+.
30+ game servers are a place where adults over 30 can game together without any swearing, racist, sexist, or trash talk. That doesn’t mean you can’t play on our server if you’re under 30. Everyone is welcome. It just means that if you want to join the clan you must be at least 29 ½.
As members you have guaranteed access to our servers with an Rcon password. You hang around with other members and close friends of the clan on TeamSpeak3, chatting and laughing it up. You can submit your own map cycles to be put into rotation, and take part in other 30+ events like shooting contests, 3 vs 3, or scrimming against other clans. The biggest bonus is the camaraderie and hours of fun with a good group of people. Fun and good sportsmanship are our motto.
Cheaters beware! We have a zero tolerance towards cheaters.
URT 30+ exists for the purpose of entertainment and friendship. Regardless of the Team or the game being played, we strive to present a mature attitude toward our playing, as far as being fair minded and good sports are concerned. We play for the sheer enjoyment of playing.